RE: Battery slot If the battery itself isn't recognized, it could be a problem with the battery connector to the mainboard. On most models, this is not replaceable - the mainboard needs to be replaced. In most cases, though, it's the AC adapter that isn't recognized - you can check that by pressing F2 at powerup and going into system setup. Eprom, SRAM w/Battery 4MB 1MX 32 72 Pin (IGT 76827800W). IGT PCB, Machine Fiber Converter (IGT 75433600) IGT PCB, Machine Fiber Converter (IGT 75433600) $45.00. IGT S2000 Motherboard Enhanced (IGT 75909100) IGT S2000 Motherboard Enhanced (IGT 75909100) $50.00.
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Slot Machine Motherboard Battery Replacement
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